Pet Careers Prosper in Recession

DOG WALKER IN RED & BLUELayoffs and bankrupt companies are continuing to make the news in the U.S., and these occurrences seem to be foreshadowing doom for all of us. However, amidst the demise of some businesses, other professions are flourishing. According to the Animal Behavior College, pet careers are going the distance regardless of how bad the economy is.

Last year the American Pet Products Association (APPA) recorded that Americans spent $43.2 billion dollars relating to pets, and the APPA estimates that this spending will only increase in 2009. Why are pet careers surviving when others are drowning? There are several assumptions that may provide answers to this question. For instance, as the U.S. attempts to solve its economic issues, Americans might be spending more time at home, which is resulting in more pet care and companionship. Pet owners might even be taking preventative measures by visiting the veterinarian regularly to reduce the chances of future pet expenses.

Although many animals have become homeless as a result of these hard times, there are individuals willing to adopt. Taking on additional pets sometimes requires training advice. On the other hand, people might be taking on more jobs and working longer hours, so boarding their pet might be their only option to make ends meet.

The recession has had both a negative and positive impact on pets, but it’s relieving to see that the circumstances have improved since the beginning when so many pet owners had to surrender their pets. Also, pet careers might be a way for you to earn additional income. Even if you don’t have veterinarian experience, you can work at pet stores or kennels. If you are home during the afternoons, it might be a good idea to offer a dog walking service to your neighbors who might work 40-60 hours per week.

Paying for pet training, grooming or veterinary checkups is not a frivolous way of spending your money, but if you need extra cash for these bills or your personal expenses, a part-time job in the field of pets might suit your needs.

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8 Responses

  1. Marina Hanes
    | Reply

    Did you know that pet careers are prospering in the recession?

  2. HART (1-800-HART)
    | Reply

    (new PetLvr post ).. Pet Careers Prosper in Recession: Layoffs and bankrupt companies are co..

    | Reply

    Pet Careers Prosper in Recession

  4. Linda M. Lopeke
    | Reply

    Pet Careers Prosper in Recession | spending on pet products expected to exceed $43.2 billion (2008). Woof!

  5. Kaayla Canfield
    | Reply

    Pet Careers Prosper in Recession | spending on pet products expected to exceed $43.2 billion (2008). Woof!

  6. Anne
    | Reply

    Just wanted to share a fairly inexpensive pet product I use to remove pet hair from all my furniture called Fur-Zoff. It’s made of recycled materials and has a lifetime guarantee for abtou $10. You can find it at Hope this helps some!

  7. Marina
    | Reply

    That’s a pretty neat product…I’ll have to try it. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Fun Dogs
    | Reply

    Did You Know Pet Careers Are Thriving During The Recession? -need extra income? how about walking dogs.

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