Training Your Dog To Be Groomed

Training Your Dog To Be Groomed

By Michael Russell

Grooming can be a pleasure for the dog and owner, or it can be a nightmare. A dog must be taught to be groomed and this is not always an easy prospect. Of course you would be much better off to start with a young puppy so that it becomes used to being groomed early on, but unfortunately this can not always be the case. Dogs who are older and are placed in adoptive homes from shelters, for example, may not have gotten used to this process at an early age.

Many owners will ignore the grooming when they find out that they can’t control the dog to do it. (Or they will spend big bucks with a groomer). However, it is very important that a dog with a long coat or a double coat be groomed on a regular basis. The coat that has mats can block air from getting to the skin, causing hot spots. A dog that is not groomed is not pleasant to be around, it will either be smelly or it will drip shedding hair off onto the furniture or your clothes. Sometimes this is one of the reasons some dogs are banished to live outside rather than in the home! Furthermore, grooming the dog on a regular basis will stimulate the skin and keep the dog healthier, in the same way that a human must wash the scalp and brush the hair to maintain a healthy scalp.

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2 Responses

  1. Gene Stagg
    | Reply

    Sounds like we will need lots of patience to groom and style our pets if we plan to do it on a regular basis.

    Gene Stagg

  2. George Mello
    | Reply

    I think people often overlook the importance of grooming their pets as a way to contribute to their overall good health. Here are just a few more tips on pet grooming. You must groom your pet’s whole body including the legs, tail, and underbody if you want to do it right. You must groom certain pets from the skin outward to truly be effective in taking care of their coat of hair and keeping it healthy. Comb through the unseen healthy hair and remove the shedding hair; this is what most groomers do first before cutting your pets coat. You must groom some animals all at once, while some other animals have so much hair that it is easier to do a little at a time each day. You know your pet is well-mannered when it will sit still and allow you or a professional to perform regular grooming and maintenance without any fuss. If you feel you just don’t have the time or desire to do it yourself, it’s time to call the professionals. Your dog will love you for it, and you’ll feel great about it too. Hope this was helpful.

    You can get more pet grooming tips by visiting my site at Pet Grooming Tips

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