Simple Truths You Need To Know About Dog Grooming

Simple Truths You Need To Know About Dog Grooming

By Oyerinde Ade

Dog grooming is all that you need to turn your pet dog into a responsible member of the family.

Grooming your dog will help keep her in a great state of health and increases the bond between you and your dog.

It would ensure that your pet is free from parasites, and the coat will be both healthy and shiny. The dental health of the dog is also a part of the dog grooming practice.

Most dogs might be restless when the grooming is just starting off but after a while they tend to get used to it and then really begin to enjoy it.Interestingly also it increases the beauty of the dog.

Dogs that have particularly long hair, get such trimmed and combed which puts the hair in the right formation. This also prevents the tangling of hair like that of the Rastafarian.

Dogs that lack grooming can really stink, with bad breath. If you were like me I guess you would not like to hang around with stinking pets. But good grooming practice can take care of this.

Although the best place to get good grooming for your dog is from a professional. But the fact now is you can learn about it and do it at home and save some dollars.

Usually a grooming session includes;
1. Bathing the dog properly and thoroughly
2. Then followed by antiseptic dip to remove ticks, fleas and other external parasites
3. A good brushing of the coat to hair tangles and matted hair
4. Then the hair can be styled, the nails are then trimmed since the are pets to prevent them from harming anyone
5. The ear is also cleaned and checked for parasites as this is a good hiding place for them
6.Lastly the teeth cleaning which also tackles bad breath.

The breed of your dog determines how regularly you do the grooming the more hair the more frequently such should be done. Some just have silk coats like Labradors retrievers and Dachshunds.

They require less grooming except for brushing which could be weekly since their hair would not matt or tangle.But long and curly coated dogs like Poodles, Sheepdogs, require more grooming like once in a month.

The fact remains that good dog grooming is just right for your pets. Make sure you do it as and at when due.

Oye is a pet lover who knows lots about pets. For more resource, information,tips and guide about dog grooming visit http://dog—

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2 Responses

  1. Myriam De Clercq
    | Reply

    I found several posts here with really good content, certainly for people who take grooming their own pet seriously at heart.

    For people who may want to take this even further:

    You may want to start a grooming business yourself. Pet grooming is an alternative pet business opportunity that is widely popular today, as more and more pet owners spend a lot of money to pamper their pets. Dog grooming experience can be gained through apprenticeship, therefore it is wise to spend at least one year gaining experience from a well respected groomer. Anyone interested in becoming a pet groomer should do online research to find out the right steps to take.

    Apparently, a new trend that is highly likely to make you successful is opting for door-to-door, mobile pet grooming. Mobile grooming will succeed anywhere pet grooming is needed: you can install all the equipment that you need inside a van, and you simply drive to people’s homes. They don’t need to spend the time or do the effort to drive back and forth, and you don’t need to pay the rent for an office. A perfect win-win situation.

    Rewarding though it is, catering to personable, caring people who desire this service, keep in mind that pet grooming is very physical work and requires patience and a strong desire to learn.

    Always remember though, running a pet grooming business successfully is about building trust between you and the pet as well as its owner: that can only happen if you care about pets as much as you care about people.

  2. HART (1-800-HART)
    | Reply

    Thanks for the tips Myriam .. and for dropping by!

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