Papillon Picture! Papillon Picture!

Well .. it’s “Tax Time” again for me .. and, I just got over one of the first deadlines – ‘T4 Season’. In addition to me trying to get out all of my monthly bookkeeping clients’ work out the door .. I’m also starting to work on Year End financial statement preparation and corporation income tax. For this past month, it was also all about the preparation of employee and owner wage remuneration and/or dividend slips that have to be reported and filed with Canada Revenue Agency by the end of February every calendar year.

Well .. in every normal month my busiest ‘offline’ time of work is around the 20th and the last week of each month and this past month was a doozie for me! I had a few extra jobs and rush deadlines, had a few late comers, and quite frankly .. I think I only slept about 5 hours in the past 72 hours! Most of my clients have December year ends, so work is definitely piling up – and, Personal Income Tax clients are now calling (our deadline to file personal income tax in Canada is April 30th for most people, June 15th if you are self employed).

By The Way … Aren’t Dogs Great?!

Maxxie and Sophie are great! Although, they are usually demanding me to play with them, take them outside, or even TRICK me to taking them outside so I can let them in and somehow scoop a handful of Puffed Wheat or have a quick bite of food or snacks or vegetables (to give them a treat too) .. they know seem to pick up on my business state of mind, and when I’m super busy they just like to follow me where ever I go, and lie around nicely waiting for ME to play with them – when *I* have time!

This is what they look like waiting for me while I am working hard! Although, upstairs its a pillow by the front entrance to my office, so I can somehow maintain the quantity of dog hair shedding and flying around into the air and around my computers πŸ˜€ I’ve been taking pictures of what I eat every day for my Battling Obesity blog and all I have to do is say “Papillon Picture! Papillon Picture!” and both Maxxie and Sophie stop in their spot, POSE FOR THE CAMERA, and wait until the flash of the camera goes before they more. Isn’t that cool? πŸ™‚


I will have to get back at taking some more pictures of them over on their own site .. once again because they are so friggin cute!

Maxxie still has Canine Degenerative Disk Disease and has trouble walking – especially on our hard wood and vinyl floors. Perhaps once or twice a day he will walk slowly up the stairs into my office where I work, but most of the times he will just wait for me to carry him up the stairs. We always have to carry him down the stairs. When he first had problems walking, he slipped and fell down those first 3 stairs to that first landing on the top of the stairwell .. and is reluctant to give it another shot. I will be trying a little effort to give him more confidence in being more independent, because all the food and water is down on the main floor. If I leave food up here for him, the little rascal Sophie eats it πŸ™‚

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