My Pets

By Megha Mathur

I have been with pets since I was a toddler. It started with my love for a stray ginger bread with a dab of cream colour scheme dog, whom I had named Tikki. He would visit our home daily to seek any piece of bread that we could spare for him. I must say, he was as punctual as a soldier. At that time we lived in a house too small to be able to make room for a pet.

As I started attending school, our meetings gradually got limited to weekends. Each afternoon the minute I would step back home, the first thing I did was to ask if Tikki was present for his daily bread. Months passed in the same routine,when suddenly Tikki stopped appearing. The second day of his absence, mom and me went looking for him in our neighbourhood, hoping to find him busy playing somewhere, praying in our hearts for him to be fine. We asked a few of our neighbours about my famous friend, when to our horror, we learnt that, he had been caught by the Municipality people who were evacuating our local area off stray animals. We approached the Municipality, but since he had been kept with other stray dogs, who were suspects of being sufferers of Rabies, a potential threat to the community, we could not get my dear friend back home with us.

It was a sad moment of my life, my little heart was not ready to accept the logical aspect of the treatment my Tikki was getting, just on the pretext of being a stray dog. Seeing me sad and tearful all the time, my father brought home, my first pet, a rabbit.

I soon got busy with my soft & fluffy snow-white bunny. As time flew, I grew and so did the number and variety of animals I had as pets over the years. From rabbits to dogs to birds, I have had them all. From snow-white to shaded brown rabbits, German Shepherds to American Spitz dogs, to multicoloured love parrots.

Being with pets, gives you a warm,caring and very loving playmate at all times. They understand us, our moods, our needs much more than people around us can. The fun time I had burrowing and digging holes in garden, jumping around in ponds, getting dirty in the rains, all hold fond memories that shall last for a lifetime for me. The moments when I used to be a care taker of my puppy pets, wrap the baby rabbits in warm clothes, taking care of feeding their favourites, getting them new toys every now and then, taught me a lot of things about life. I have grown to understand emotions beyond the expression in words, have learnt to appreciate nature in its vivid colours and melodies, all cause of my pets.

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