Magical Underwater World

Magical Underwater World

By Belinda Osgood

Does the thought of a goldfish leave you uninspired? Goldfish are a common pet for children, yet the world of pet fish is so much more diverse and interesting than the little round bowl with a single fish swimming in circles. Aquariums are very soothing, and one need only to think how many dentists, doctors, and other offices keep a fish tank in the reception area. The combination of water with the graceful movement of the fish is very restful.

When setting up an aquarium you must first decide what type of fish you would like to keep – marine, cold freshwater, tropical freshwater, or brackish, that in-between zone of slightly salty, cold water. Each has its own delightful aspects and beauty, whether it is the simplicity of a cold-water tank, or the varied marine tank with the stunning sea anemones and coral.

You will need to consider the size of tank you want, and the space you have available for it. In my experience it is typical for marine tanks to be quite large. Tropical tanks range in size, and cold water can be as small as the common ‘goldfish bowl’.

The next factor to consider is the cost of the aquarium. Set-up costs will range depending on what fish you wish to keep, but after that the costs are minimal for fish food, chemicals, if required, and the operational costs of any electrical components needed to keep your fish happy and healthy. Each type of fish needs specific conditions in which to thrive. For example, a tropical fish tank requires a heater, filter, and a light, while marine fish must have the correct salinity and chemical balance in their tank. The ongoing cost of keeping fish is an important consideration, as with any pet.

We have a sixty litre tank housing tropical fish. The tank also contains live plants, tank decorations, and a ‘bubble wall’, as optional extras. The wall releases bubbles of air into the water, powered by electricity. Whatever you introduce to the tank obviously has an aesthetic pleasure for the owner, but it should also serve a purpose for the fish in your aquarium. The plants and decorations give the fish a variety of places to hide, rest, and play. The bubble wall helps to aerate the water, as well as providing attractive water movement for the owners to enjoy.

The species of fish available is broad, and varies between suppliers. The types of fish you like will probably determine the size and type of tank you purchase. Tropical fish tend to be brightly coloured, and come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and personalities. Marine tanks are fascinating with the beautiful plant and fish life. Even the common goldfish are available in a range of colour variations that make them not as boring as one might remember from their childhood.

We have three types of fish – Neon Tetras, Green Catfish, and Bristle-nosed Plecostomi. The Tetras are pretty and dainty, the catfish cute and funny. The Plecostomi, our most recent arrivals, are the dark and mysterious residents.

Whatever fish you decide to bring into your tank, you will need to consider whether they will live together peacefully or not. For example, our Plecostomi will eat other fish if not adequately fed. The stunning Male Siamese fighting fish, or Beta, can be okay with other fish, but put together, they will fight to the death.

Your fish tank is part of your home’s décor, so think about the look you want for your tank. Once you have the fish chosen, you want to complement them, as well as the room where the tank resides. Gimmicky plastic tank decorations will overshadow colourful fish, while dark-coloured fish will be practically invisible in an all natural stone and wood environment.

When considering what else to put inside your tank, besides the fish, choices range from artificial or live plants, to a sunken ship or a playful “Gone Fishing” sign. We chose a couple of small spiky live plants, a cracked urn, and part of a coliseum wall to harmonize together, providing an interesting tank whilst meeting the varied needs of our fish.

Your fish tank is as customizable as you want, and no one tank ever looks the same. A tank makes a living, vibrant feature that will delight visitors, children, and owners alike. For a little time to maintain water changes and quality, everyone can enjoy their own magical, underwater world.

Belinda Osgood is a full-time writer working from her home in a small rural township. Her passions include her pets, photography, craft, and rock-hounding. This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pet Forums.

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