Goldfish Diseases – How To Spot Them, Treat Them And Hopefully Prevent Them

Goldfish Diseases – How To Spot Them, Treat Them And Hopefully Prevent Them

by Mark Sturge

Goldfish Diseases

Many small animals and fish are susceptible to diseases and once infected, have greatly shortened life spans.

A goldfish can get sick if his tank is dirty, the water and oxygen levels are too low, the temperatures are too warm or too cool and if he is not being fed properly. Even if you are an excellent and doting parent, sometimes your goldfish might get sick for reasons unknown. Prevention and early detection are the best ways to help Goldie fight the urge to float upside-down.

There are many diseases that goldfish owners should be prepared to treat. They may not be pretty and you might be a little uneasy at first when attempting to identify them, but for the sake of your goldfish take the time to learn about and become familiar with parasite identities.

Skin Flukes are tiny worms that reside in the gill area of fish, consuming the skin cells and causing the fish to itch. Fish have a tendency to rub up against hard objects in attempts to relieve the itching, resulting in red and swollen gill areas. Relief and a cure can be found at pet stores.

Anchor Worm is a contagious parasite that attaches itself to the sides, head or mouth of the fish and is contracted by the ingestion of infection live food. The worm looks like a piece a green, brown or white thread dangling from the goldfish and can cause sore blood spots once it has entered into the flesh. Medicines are available for curing this disease.

Ich is the most common parasite that attacks fish with lowered immune systems. Introduction your fish to a new environment is enough to weaken immune systems and thus is a frequent cause of Ich in fish. Little white bumps will appear all over an infected fish, causing him to itch and gasp for air. Medication is readily available at pet stores and should be administered as soon as possible.

Tail or Fin Rot is a disease that causes damage and fraying to the fish’s tail and fins, and is normally brought on by poor water conditions and high levels of ammonia and nitrites. Medication can be purchased at your local pet store.

There are plenty of different diseases, parasites and fungal infections out there just waiting to attack your poor defenseless goldfish. By monitoring and properly caring for your pet, you will improve your goldfish’s chances of avoiding illness.

About the Author

Mark Sturge is webmaster of A site where you can learn all about goldfish care and the nasty goldfish diseases that can be traumatic for you and your fish.

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  1. ayelen
    | Reply

    hola…les queria decir que mi pez es un goldfish chikito color naranja,hace dias que esta en el fondo de la pecera,casi no come,ademas respira anormal parece q eruptara,o como si le faltara el aire…porfavor ayudenme…!

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