Fighting Pet Allergies

Sakura cat season is in!Your pet might not develop a runny nose or watery eyes but that doesn’t mean that they are not suffering from allergies. As the temperature warms and the rains replenish the soil, flowers will begin to bloom and bring forth the pollen that can become a quick enemy. However, you might be surprised that the most common allergy that pets suffer from is actually caused by fleas. So how are you preparing on protecting your pet this spring and summer?

When it comes to allergies, you can spend your entire life looking for the miracle drug that will eliminate your pet’s problems. Why? Because you can’t make the allergies disappear. The key is managing them so they don’t interfere with your pet’s life. For environmental allergens such as pollens, molds and grasses, it’s important to discuss these issues with your veterinarian. It’s possible that your pet might need a dose of Benadryl from time to time. It also helps to keep your pet away from these irritants.

Another common issue is food allergies, which is when your pet has a reaction to the proteins or carbohydrates in certain foods. The only way to prevent these allergies is to find the right food, and when you do, you will notice an improvement in their hair and see a reduction in their scratching.

When dealing with the most common allergen, it’s the flea’s saliva that causes irritation. Treating your pet with a flea control product such as Frontline or K9 Advantix is definitely a preventative step. If you notice that your pet is scratching constantly and losing its fur, the fleas might have already taken over. In this case, your pet and house will need to be treated immediately.

Pets can react differently to certain allergens, which is why it’s always important to monitor their physical behavior (breathing) and appearance (fur loss). Some pets experience minor irritations while others have more severe reactions.

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  1. HART (1-800-HART)
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    (new PetLvr post ).. Fighting Pet Allergies: Your pet might not develop a runny nose or wate..

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