Exotic Pets – Top 5

By Tonia Jordan

Often people look for a pet that is out of the ordinary. Sometimes a normal cat or dog just won’t do! Though, it is always wise to know what you’re getting into. Here, then, are the top five non-traditional pets:

5. Scorpions

There are many species of this particular creature, and the strength of their venom varies between species. The most commonly found pet species, the emperor scorpion, is not particularly dangerous. Its sting can be compared with that of a bee or wasp, though like bees, there is a chance of an allergic reaction.

Scorpions do not require a great amount of care, but are not an ideal pet. Handling a scorpion is not a good idea – Besides the risk of its sting, scorpions become very stressed when handled, a health risk to the creature itself. Also, the animals can live up to 8 years, making them a long-term commitment kind of pet.

4. Cockroaches

Hissing Cockroaches – These insects are great for beginner pet-owners! They are quite docile and require little maintenance. Though they’re not of the “cute and cuddly” variety of pet, they are quite interesting. They hiss when disturbed, and males will hiss while courting a female. Sometimes, for reasons unknown, the entire colony will hiss in unison.

Hissing Cockroaches are best kept in a large tank with wood shavings. Water and fresh fruit and vegetables are all they require. They are hardy creatures and can live up to five years.

3. Tarantulas

This fascinating creature has become a more popular pet in recent years. There still remains some fear in potential owners, though keeping a tarantula as a pet is often more harmful to the animal than to the pet owner. Tarantulas can die even from a short fall, if their abdomen ruptures.

Tarantulas are venomous, but in most species, the toxicity of their venom is akin to a bee or wasp sting. In some cases, a person can have an allergic reaction to spider bites, in much the same way that some react to bee stings.

There are hundreds of species of tarantula, and some are more aggressive than others, so potential owners really need to do research before purchasing one. Tarantulas are fascinating, quiet, and in most cases, need little space.

2. Ants

Purchasing an ant farm is the easiest and simplest way to keep and maintain this interesting pet. With an ant farm, you only need to feed your ants once per week, making them a very low-maintenance pet. A small crumb of bread soaked in sugar water is enough to feed your whole colony for a week!

1. Rats

Rats have a life-span of two to three years and are considered quite social and intelligent. They are also easy to tame and are very gentle. Though they are nocturnal, they tend to adapt to their owner’s schedule. Due to their social nature, they should also be kept with other rats.

Rat owners compare their care to that of a dog – they require a lot of attention and at least an hour of exercise per day. These curious and playful pets are easy to care for, but not necessarily low-maintenance.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pet Forums.

Tonia Jordan is a freelance Journalist and a writer on Writing.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tonia_Jordan

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3 Responses

  1. dog collar addict
    | Reply

    i can understand the rat thing, they can be pretty cute. Scorpions & cockroaches are beyond me, though.

  2. HART (1-800-HART)
    | Reply

    I hear you on that! Although, I did have a friend back in high school many moons ago, that had a pet tarantula and used to walk it up and down his stairs and around the house on a shoelace .. so, that pet makes sense.

  3. Hub
    | Reply

    My girlfriend is addicted to tarantulas. She said that Tarantulas are just like taking care a pet fish except that it has low maintenance. She said that there are 2 classification of Tarantulas, The new world and the old world. The new world tarantula is the safest because it never bite but instead kick itchy hairs.

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