Dog Origins: Where Do Dogs Come From?

Dog Origins: Where Do Dogs Come From?

By Steve Allison

It’s widely believed that dogs originated over 17,000 years ago; recent DNA testing and closer fossil examination is suggesting that dogs originated as far as 150,000 years ago. However the dating in relation to the Bible seems a little far fetched. We know they were around in Bible days because it is mention in several passages.

Scientists and researchers have come up with several possible paths that the development of modern dogs has followed. Dogs have lived and worked with humans in many different roles throughout the ages. Even today people are continually finding new ways in which dogs can enhance their lives, or perform useful services to people.

In order to understand dogs and their complex relationship to humans we need to look back to the origins of the species; and take a closer look at the habits of wolves.

Wolves are very social animals; they live in packs and derive not only assured survival but also enjoy relationships within the pack. We can clearly see evidence of wolves’ social structure systems if we look at our own dogs today. In a healthy relationship the human is the alpha member of the pack. A less socialized dog is widely believed to think that he is the leader of your pack, instead of you – the owner.

Today it is widely believed that domestication is occurring at a much greater speed than was previously thought. It seems dogs are now born with highly prized traits.

Not only their temperaments but also the way they look is greatly changing. Scientists have had a tough time telling some skull and bone fragments apart. It’s mainly differences in the skull and teeth that scientists can sue to determine if the specimens are wolf or dog remains.

At a farm in Siberia researchers have been experimenting with foxes and how quickly they can be tamed. They believe that this might lead to an understanding of how our own dogs have evolved.

Researchers around the world are also becoming interested in the cognitions of our dogs and how our dogs have become accepted into our human social structures. History cannot trace the exact routes of wolf to dog.

Wolves are now on endangered lists around the world. Many valiant efforts are being made to curb the steady decline in wolf numbers.

Is it all part of evolution?

Dogs have evolved slowly from wolves and found a home with humans. They’ve become an essential part of human life. If all wolves had formed such relationships with humans they too might be assured of life without extinction.

It is far easier to envision a world without wolves than it is to imagine a world without Boston Terriers, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, Shih Tzu’s or Pugs.

Steve Allison is a third generation of professional dog breeders along with his brother Gary. It all started with his grandparents in 1970 with the Boston Terriers and has expanded to Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Pugs, Shih Tzu’s and Pomeranians. He is also actively involved with dog rescue and has a website that showcases the puppies they occasionally has for sale at All My Puppies Online Steve is also the co-author of two consumer guides, Carpet Secrets and Moving Secrets Guide

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2 Responses

  1. Henri Botha
    | Reply

    Good day.

    I have read the article and I am still confused cause it does not answer the question. Where dogs come from. It is still one thing to breed 1 sub specie from wolves but there r so many different kinds of dogs. When Noah put 2 of each kind in the big boat was there dogs too ? And was there 2 of each kind like 2 maltese , 2 pugs 2 terriers? and if not was 2 – 3000 years enough to have evolve all these different kind of dogs ?

    Where do dogs come from. ???

  2. HART (1-800-HART)
    | Reply

    hi Henri … have you watched any of the Nova Series? There has been a few interesting ones since this article was published … e.g. like etc

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