Keeping a Rabbit

Keeping a Rabbit

By Eric Hartwell

Of all the affectionate animals rabbits are perhaps loved the most. By innate nature they are affectionate, quiet and entertaining. It is said, that though they are timid by nature, if they are given an invigorating environment they can show other more impressive attributes.

There are immense stories of spectacular cleverness of rabbits that are enshrined in pages of fiction. As animals, rabbits are generally very easy to care for. The easiest way to keep them in a good condition is by keeping them clean, well fed with plenty of clean water, and comfortable living conditions.

Just like other animals rabbits are prone to many dangers. Therefore there is always need for a close observation so as to protect them. It’s your cherished pet after all! It is your duty to keep them in the best manner possible.

The first and foremost responsibility is to keep the pets in shade if the temperature rises above 80 degrees. As heat becomes excessive the rabbits start feeling restlessness and the rising temperature thus becomes too dangerous. You can help the situation if you manage to keep the rabbit in shade and as cool as possible.

There are several responsibilities on your part. You must check the pet on a regular basis and always maintain a close watch on him or her. Thus you would be able to recognize changes regarding food habits and behavior, if there are any.

A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing and so rabbits need to chew! Often it is found that of all diseases through which the rabbits are affected it is mainly a dental one. So check the teeth to be sure that the alignment is strictly maintained and that none of them are broken. Generally rabbits can be best provided with apple tree twigs after having been dried for three months at a stretch.

Try to watch out for rabbit droppings – if changes in droppings are noticed, like smaller size, then something could be wrong. Diarrhea is supposed to be the first sign of serious illness. There are also instances when rabbits start to release chalky colored urine which is thick and sludgy – this could be associated with kidney problems or stone problems. Red urine is normally caused by blood in the urine or eating carrots or evergreens. So if such changes are noticed or anticipated the nearest veterinary practitioner should be contacted at the earliest opportunity.

Other than diseases, the presence of a lot of animals may prove to be dangerous to rabbits. So always try to keep carnivorous animals like cats, dogs, hawks, eagles, owls, raccoons, opossums, bobcats and coyotes at a safe distance. Like other animals rabbits also have a peculiar tendency to lick feces of animals. As these can carry diseases, there is a chance that they may make your rabbit unwell.

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