Hurricane Katrina Animal Rescue

I just found this pet related video on YouTube … and thought it would be of interest!

Note: information from YouTube

On the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, a video dedicated to my friend Scotlund Haisley and the rescue team from the Washington Animal Rescue League, who continue to rescue, treat, and find new homes for hundreds of homeless animals from New Orleans.

Please … If you think this video is not appropriate nor related to pet adoption and rescue .. please let HART know via the Contact form. Thank-You

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7 Responses

  1. kikiidoggie

    Thank You for all your hard work and the love in your hearts. You’re proof that there are angels that walk around among us.

  2. angelcutness26

    that made me cry, it was a great video and thank you for your hard work.

  3. cc4410

    Your moving video confirms the important work done by WARL and animal rescue organizations, not only when large-scale disasters strike but also responding to all-too-common neglect and abuse of companion animals. I’m saddened by the images in your video yet hopeful that the example of your heroic rescue efforts will inspire others to get directly involved or financially support your organization.

  4. alexthebullo

    Only the very brave and courage persons live the life with HEARTS.

  5. 1Ainat1

    the voluntars are amazing for welp this animals.they deserve it

  6. pinkfld

    On Aug 19 pbs broadcast a Special episode on NATURE about the rescuing the animals from the flooded waters in New Orleans. Check out their website for more awesome moments in rescue. This is dedicated to our Animals WE LOVE VERY MUCH !!!

  7. Henry

    It’s amazing to see that the bravery that some will display when animals are in danger. I’d love to thank these guys for all their hard work!