9.27.2007 – Preventing Animal Abuse

You Can Help The Animals

Bloggers Unite

The Humane Society of United States offers ways, in general, that which you can help the animals

* Rescue an animal – If you decide to add a pet to your family, adopt a dog or cat from an animal shelter. Don’t buy a pet from a pet store or a breeder. Always microchip and keep ID tags on your pets; both are a lost pet’s ticket home.

* Do not support products that are tested on animals – Buy cosmetics and personal care products that are not tested on animals. Use cruelty-free household cleaners, or make your own cleaners from natural products.

* Watch out for all types of abuse and cruelty – Report animal abuse to your local animal shelter, animal control department, humane society or SPCA. You will be helping animals, and you may be helping people. Studies show that in a home in which animals are being abused, children may be suffering from abuse as well.

Things that “Regular People Can Do” to Prevent Animal Abuse

Pet-Abuse.com has a list of things that “Regular People Can Do” to help prevent animal abuse and pet cruelty. None of them will make animal abuse disappear tomorrow, but every little bit helps lower the risk further down the road.

* Take care of the animals you have, and encourage others to do the same… – In educating people about how to better care for their own animals, we hear many of the same excuses, and they don’t even *realize* that they are inadvertently putting their animals at greater risk, because no one has ever explained it to them.

* Make a donation to Pet-Abuse.Com… – it is only through your support that (this organization and other organizations) are able to provide animal advocates, humane law enforcement and other animal welfare organizations with the valuable services they have come to rely upon in the fight against animal cruelty.

* Volunteer/Donate to a local rescue shelter… – Rescue shelters are always eager for any help you can give them, and most of them are tremendously appreciative if you can just come in a few hours a week to *play* with the animals! …. even a few hours a week can make a difference.

* Get Involved with your local government… – (In the U.S.) Animal abuse/cruelty is a felony in only 31 states. Take a moment to send polite letters to the prosecutor in our action alert cases, and let them know that you appreciate their efforts and encourage them to take a strong stand against animal cruelty

* Be Creative! – All it takes is a little applied thinking and some creativity with how you can use the skills you already have to make a difference. Combine that with some passion, and you can do wonders.

Ten Tips To Fight Animal Cruelty

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) also offers these 10 tips to fight animal cruelty by Annemarie Lucas

1) Be Aware
2) Learn to recognize animal cruelty
3) Know who to call to report animal cruelty
4) Provide as much information as possible when reporting animal cruelty
5) Call or write your local law and enforcement department
6) Know your state (or province’s) animal cruelty laws
7) Fight for the passage of strong anti-cruelty laws
8 ) Set a good example for others
9) Talk to your kids about how to treat animals with kindness and respect.
10) Support your local shelter or animal rescue organization.

R.O.A.R. – Reach Out Act Respond

The ASPCA’s Special Agent Annemarie Lucas shares tips on how to prevent animal cruelty. Visit AnimalPlanet.com/ROAR to learn more

* Patches of missing hair
* Thin and starving animals
* Animals kept outside during extreme weather
* Flea and tick infestation
* Limping

9.27.2007 Entries Posted So Far

* Blogging For A Cause Looking For Amazing Stories How You Saved One Animal’s Life
* Still Looking for Amazing Stories How You Saved One Animal’s Life
* How We Rescued Zeus The Cat
* Countdown 2 Days Remaining – Call For Help continued
* Buy Amazon Products Here At My Store Because I’m Donating All My Proceeds To Charity
* Greetings! Today I am Blogging To Help Bring Awareness To Animal Cruelty And Pet Abuse
* Join The Global Initiative To End Animal Cruelty – Sign The Petition
* My Efforts to Stop Animal Cruelty and Pet Abuse – Is It Enough?
My New Little Sweet Rescue Pup – Bella
* WHS Ad – September 27, 2007 – Please Adopt Me!
* Types of Animal Cruelty

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2 Responses

  1. New Italy Net
    | Reply

    L’italiano buono II – Animal killer: i reati contro gli animali in Italia

    Questo primo rapporto annuale sui reati contro gli animali in Italia è – come era prevedibile – una galleria degli orrori. Analizzato nell’insieme, il quadro che emerge è fatto di innumerevoli dettagli in grado di fotografare la ferocia umana nei confronti degli animali. Di tutti gli animali. Da questo rapporto appare evidente – ed è il primo elemento di rilievo – che a subire la violenza umana non sono solo i cani e i gatti. Anzi. Esiste – secondo elemento di rilievo – una precisa scala gerarchica delle violenze: nella percezione dell’uomo, infatti, la violenza contro gli animali domestici appare grave; meno grave sembra invece quella contro gli altri animali, compresi i selvatici …


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