Update On The PANDAS That Survived The China Earthquake In May 2008

posted in: .: WildLife 27

On May 12, 2008 the “2008 Sichuan earthquake” (or Great Wenchuan Earthquake) reached 7.9 on the richter scale with a death count about 70,000, injured about 350,000 people and left about 4.8 million people homeless. In the middle of the earthquake are is the Wolong National Nature Reserve, which houses about 150 highly endangered Giant Pandas. There was at least one death of a giant panda (nine-year-old Mao Mao, a mother of five at the breeding centre, was discovered crushed by a wall in her enclosure). You may follow updates over at the Wolong Panda Club

Source: My Email InBox!

These pictures were forwarded to me via email with subject: “CHINA PANDAS THAT SURVIVED LATEST EARTHQUAKE…” I do not know the original source, but I thought they were cute enough to reproduce here in [The Blog]. I can only believe that the pictures were taken after the earthquake

You can still Support earthquake relief in China with Google Checkout or your local Red Cross agency

This is adorable – would you love to be one of the caretakers there? The earthquake was right in the area where giant pandas live. Most pandas are protected well, especially those babies, even if they were scared a lot. Right after earthquake. They rushed out and some stayed together.

People are rescuing pandas

Giving them milk

After meal

Look at this baby!

Look at these babies!

Stay here maybe safer

Here is safe!

I don’t want a shot!

You scared me!

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27 Responses

  1. Chef Tom
    | Reply

    Awww. Too cute! I want a panda!!! 🙂

  2. Jordan
    | Reply

    Ok the pic with the baby bottles is priceless! Great post. 🙂

  3. HART (1-800-HART)
    | Reply

    Yah .. I agree.. the one with 5 baby pandas drinking milk from the baby bottles are priceless!

  4. Ronald
    | Reply

    “Too cute! I want a panda!!”

    me too

  5. downtownbaby
    | Reply

    i can look at pictures of pandas all day…more pics pls

  6. HART (1-800-HART)
    | Reply

    I’ll see what I can do 🙂

  7. Nati Wolf
    | Reply

    So cute! it’s amazing 😀

  8. Luis.Gmz
    | Reply

    I want a Panda too…. too cute!

  9. Kaśka
    | Reply

    Update On The PANDAS That Survived The China Earthquake In May 2008. Sugoi photos ^_^ http://bit.ly/j1Ptl

  10. Angela Hinic
    | Reply

    Update On The PANDAS That Survived The China Earthquake In May 2008 – http://shar.es/1tyRS

  11. Angela Hinic
    | Reply

    CUTE PANDA BABIES: Update On The PANDAS That Survived The China Earthquake In May 2008 – http://shar.es/1tyRS

  12. RayBeckerman
    | Reply

    RT @CandyWWGM CUTE PANDA BABIES: Update On PANDAS That Survived 5/08 China Earthquake http://shar.es/1tyRS via @Andjelija

  13. Francis
    | Reply

    RT @CandyWWGM: CUTE PANDA BABIES: Update On The PANDAS That Survived The China Earthquake In May 2008- http://shar.es/1tyRS (via @Andjelija)

  14. Olivia Lovag
    | Reply

    🙂 Aww RT @RayBeckerman @CandyWWGM PANDA BABIES: Update On PANDAS That Survived 5/08 China Earthquake http://shar.es/1tyRS via @Andjelija

  15. Gldn Angl
    | Reply

    CUTE PANDA BABIES: Update On PANDAS That Survived The China Earthquake In May 2008 – http://shar.es/1tyRS (via @Andjelija) (via @CandyWWGM)

  16. Dr G
    | Reply

    Aww! CUTE PANDA BABIES: Update On PANDAS That Survived China Earthquake In May 2008 – http://shar.es/1tyRS (via @Andjelija) (via @CandyWWGM)

  17. Dr G
    | Reply

    @moonalice Awwwfully cute pile of pandas 2 say TY 4 the RT love re *Twiiter Hug* http://budurl.com/PANDAS

  18. Roger McNamee
    | Reply

    RT @ZAGrrl: @moonalice Awwwfully cute pile of pandas 2 say TY 4 the RT love re *Twitter Hug* http://budurl.com/PANDAS – Awwww

  19. Archie Right
    | Reply

    So very very cute! I’ve never actually realized before how cute and vulnerable at the same time pandas are.

  20. kate
    | Reply

    The PANDAs were damn damn cute. i love these pictures! haahahaha

    NIce post.

    my blog: Jewel Mint

  21. Garden Groom
    | Reply

    What a great buncho pictures. The pandas are about as cute as can be. So glad they survived the earthquake and are doing fine

  22. Tina
    | Reply

    Toooo precious…they almost do not look real, and then they move….saw the pandas at the San Diego Zoo

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