The Chihuahua Are Bred To Be A Companion Dog

The Chihuahua Are Bred To Be A Companion Dog

By Sandra Oberreuter

Chihuahuas are the oldest dog in North America and the smallest breed in the toy group. They only weigh 2-6 pounds and are only 6-9 inches tall.

These dogs are quite intelligent, alert but easily spoiled. They are not a meek dog as they will fight a larger dog. They are a wonderful dog guard and will take on human intruders as if they were bigger than they are.

They make good apartment dogs or for someone who travels or lives in an RV. They are perfect for the elderly or an individual because they make wonderful companions. They are loyal and have an affinity for being close to their master. These dogs enjoys exercising and playing outdoors on a warm day. They should be protected when outdoors in cool or cold weather with a sweater or coat.

They can ride inside of a pocket, tote bag and fit nicely in soft-sided pet carriers for an airplane or car ride. They enjoy these outings immensely.

Chihuahuas are slightly difficult to train and need positive reinforcement. They do have a mind of their own, they are stubborn and manipulative. You must show them consistency and that you mean what you say.

These problems can be minimized by buying from a reputable breeder who tests his breeding stock for inheritable problems and by careful management. A responsible breeder will want to find a good home for their dogs and they rarely place a Chihuahua in a home with children under the age of twelve. Buy a dog who will mature at 4 pounds and up.

If someone wants an outrageous price and says it’s because it’s a toy or miniature watch out. Avoid them because they are overpriced and could be unhealthy.

Sandy has a web site on small dog breeds plus most popular dogs, dogs good with children and seniors. Find articles on breeders, choosing the right dog, diseases and more.

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