About the Tonkinese Cat Breed


If you just can#8217;t decide whether you want a Burmese cat or a Siamese cat, then you may want to consider a cat that is the descendant of both of these wonderful breeds, the Tonkinese. The Tonkinese cat breed was officially created in the nineteen sixties in North America when a Burmese cat was crossed […]

About the Mysterious Sphynx


If you#8217;ve always had a secret longing to own that charming little alien in the ET movie, you will probably fall in love with the Sphynx cat breed. This cat#8217;s wrinkly small face, huge ears, and enormous eyes definitely give it a very similar appearance. When you add in its whisker free appearance and a […]

Is the Somali Cat Breed Right For You?


If you love the Abyssinian cat breed, but prefer longhair cats, then you may want to take a close look at the striking Somali. This cat breed is a descendant of the Abyssinian and has many of the same traits.
While longhair cats occasionally were born in Abyssinian litters for many generations, it was not until […]

About the Singapura Cat Breed


Out of the many cat breeds recognized by the Cat Fanciers Association, the Singapura is probably the breed with the strongest will to survive. These tough little cats have endured almost impossible conditions to grow and thrive. This breed is also called the drain cat because the cats originally lived in the water culverts of […]

The Horse – Breed Overview Part II


While most people who want a horse opt for one of the light horse breeds, there are other options. Heavy horse breeds were once used to fight wars, to farm or to pull large loads. Of course, if you are looking for a first horse for your child, you may …

Good Choices for Your First Saltwater Tank


Getting your first saltwater tank can be such an exciting event. You will finally be able to sit and enjoy the soothing beauty of your aquarium. However, it can also be frustrating and a bit overwhelming. What equipment do you need? Which fish are best for beginners? Here are some tips to help you start […]

The Horse – Breed Overview Part I


The horse has been one of the most popular domesticated animals for centuries. While most people today ride horses to relax or compete in a variety of equestrian sports, these animals were once a primary mode of transportation. For the knights of the M…

Good Choices for Your First Freshwater Tank


Setting up your first freshwater fish tank can be a fun and rewarding experience. However, it also can be challenging, especially if you start off with fish that are difficult to maintain. Luckily, there is not a shortage of hardy, inexpensive freshwater fish species. Finding good starter fish for your first aquarium is relatively easy. […]

Is a Cockatiel Right for You?


If you are going to be owning a bird for the first time, you may want to take a close look at the cockatiel. This family friendly bird is the perfect choice for beginners, since it is easy to care for and adaptable. Most cockatiels are happy to cuddle up to their owners, especially if […]

Cardinal Tetra


By Gary Bolton
Family: Characidae
Species: Paracheirodon axelrodi
Size: 4.5cm (1 three quarter inch)
Diet: Omnivorous
Tank levels: All
Habitat: Slow-flowing waters in Venezuela, Brazil, and Colombia
Remarks: For best colours (and breeding conditions), provide soft acidic water. This tetra is distinguished from other similar fishes like, Paracheirodon innesi and P. simulans, by the extent of the red band.
Comments: A striking, electric […]

Neon Tetra


By Gary Bolton
Family: Characidae
Species: Paracheirodon innesi
Size: 2.5cm (1 inch)
Diet: Omnivorous
Tank levels: All
Habitat: The natural riverine habitat is Amazonia, but most Neon Tetras are now commercially bred
Remarks: The Neon Tetra is hardy and peaceful but difficult to breed.
Comments: The slim body of this fish has the same unmistakable electric blue-green stripe as the Cardinal Tetra. Here, […]

Keeping A Canary


By Eric Hartwell
It is said while creating the canary, God had taken the same utmost care as he did when creating the earth so as to make it one of its finest creations.
The brightest semblance that a canary exerts is that it is both a wonderful pet to view and wonderful to hear sing. It […]

Birds – The Golden Eagle


By Michael Russell
The golden eagle is one of the largest birds of prey; the bald eagle and the California Condor are the only ones that are larger. This bird lives in the western Northern Hemisphere flying over prairies, tundra, barren areas, and in hilly mountain regions. Golden Eagles do not congregate in large numbers; they […]

How to Feed Hummingbirds by Hand


By Simone Skorcik
This is the technique I used to get our backyard hummingbirds to eat from my hand.
1. Make a hand feeder by removing the top part of a small hummingbird feeder #038; use only the base that has the perches #038; feeding holes. Fill this part with the nectar that is usually in the […]

Miniature Horses, Ponies – What’s The Difference?


By Candice Sabrina
When most of us start out learning about horses, we are told that a horse is a member of Equus ” caballus that is over 14 hands high (a hand, we quickly learned, is 10 cm). A pony, on the other hand, was defined as a member of…

Characteristics Of The Serpae Tetra Fish


By George Chao
Are you looking to create a tropical aquarium? Do you want to add more fish to your existing aquarium? If so, consider getting the serpae tetra fish. Serpae tetras are community fish that will mix well with other fish. Whether you are a seasoned aquarist or someone who is only starting to discover […]

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