Selecting an Obedience Class

By Michael Russell

Some obedience classes are slanted towards providing instruction, which will lead towards acquiring a C.D. title on your dog. Instructors of such a class often require a strict adherence to details regarding the obedience commands. Often they have their own set of beliefs regarding instruction and will not be willing to allow handlers to stray from the techniques they themselves espouse. For example such instructors either will allow treats or not and do not allow the participants of the class to do anything other than what they request, at least within the class.

Other obedience instructors are interested in providing to the general public a class for “pet dogs” which will involve very basic skills and do not expect that the participant will go on to achieve titles on the dog. These classes are often available through such markets as the chains of dog stores or vets offices. Usually these classes have a wide level of expertise on the part of the attendees. Unfortunately, many of these classes often have so many enrollees that individual instruction is at a premium.

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