Rats vs. Hamsters: Which is the Better Pet for Your Toddler?

Rats vs. Hamsters: Which is the Better Pet for Your Toddler?

By Mary Jensen

When choosing a pet for their child, many parents are more inclined to choose a hamster over a rat. They see the hamster as cute and cuddly. Rats are associated with sewers, dark alleyways, and being dirty. But rats actually make for a better pet.

Hamsters will almost always bite when they are picked up from their cage. They are escape artists and once loose will chew their way into the back of your couch, taking hours to find them. Their small size makes it easy for them to hide. Hamsters need wheels and toys to keep them entertained. Those wheels can be quite noisy during the night, which is their most active period. When playing with them, they are skittish and generally try to get away.

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  1. day
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    hi … i tenho um rato e eh muito adoravellllll, no comeco fui com intensao de comprar um ramister mas ele ja me mordeu quando fui tentar brincar com ele… entao resolvi pegar o rato… q hj ja faz muitas coisas brinca e adoro fikar fora da gaiola andando pelas coisas so gostaria de saber oq eu posso estar ensinando ele a fazer ???

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