Raising Breeding and Caring for Chinchillas

Raising Breeding and Caring for Chinchillas

By Greg Edwards

Raising, breeding and caring for chinchillas which are small rodents belonging to the South American Andes are explained in the following paragraphs. In Chinese, the rodent is known as dragon-cat.

Chinchillas should be housed in a larger cage measuring around eighty cm by fifty cm by eighty cm for each animal. If baby chinchillas are raised, they should be housed in cages where the bar spacing is not more than half an inch by one inch since baby chinchillas can climb very fast and may venture out of the cage through the small holes. The walking surface in the cages of chinchillas should not have any metal fencing which might cause injuries to the rodents.

Chinchillas enjoy perches such as boxes, ledges, sticks and also the exercise wheels. When selecting these, ensure the safety of the pet. Since they do not sweat, chinchillas tend to fatal overheat. When the veins in the ears of chinchillas are prominently visible then the animal is overheated. Similarly an animal which is lethargic and with warm foot indicates overheating. The best temperature suitable for a chinchilla is 75 degree Fahrenheit along with adequate air circulation.

By rolling in a dust bath, chinchillas clean their fur. Sand, which is specially processed from pumice, will provide the best medium for the chinchillas to groom itself. Ensure that the fur does not get wet since they are not provided with guard hairs. The water remains in the underfur enabling fungus ringworm to thrive in the warm moist environment. Use a towel or hair blower to dry the chinchillas, when become wet.

Since exercise in wheel or similar apparatus is not enough, an exercise time in a room is most important to maintain the health of the animal. Be on guard all the time when the chinchillas are left in a room because they can easily escape from the room. They tend to chew wires and any other substance found nearby. To prevent any harm, provide wooden toys or tubes made of paper towel during the exercise or when they are put in a cage.

Chinchilla’s digestive systems are very delicate and they require specially prepared diets, which should include hay. Dandelion leaves which are properly cleaned, cheerio without sugar and rose hip are the animal’s favourite food.

Finally, a breakthrough new eBook made just for people who love Chinchillas.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll discover in the amazing eBook:

1. The little know History of Chinchillas!
2. Learn how to train your Chinchilla properly, start off the wrong way and you’ll spend years trying to erase BAD behavior!
3.How much does a Chinchilkla cost? Check out our comprehensive list of Prices from all over the world!
4.Housing your Chinchilla, Types of Cages etc
5.How to bathe your Chin..hint, it’s not like any other animal!
6.The 4 elements you MUST include in your Chinchillas diet, Chins are hardy, but they have a delicate digestive system!
7.Important tips for traveling with your new Chinchilla!

… and more.

Visit the website link below for more details : Raising Breeding and Caring for Chinchillas

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Edwards

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