Pet Training Tools — Cat Alarms

He looks sweet, but he's ready for mischief!

Cat alarms are an extremely effective pet training tool, especially if you’re trying to prevent your cat from accessing a particular location (or an area where he has been engaging in mischievous activities!)

These battery-powered alarms are equipped with a motion sensor. When the sensor detects motion, the alarm sounds with a shrill tone.

Why are cat training alarms so effective? The key to pet training is consistency. The animal must receive negative feedback each and every time he or she attempts to engage in an inappropriate behavior. It’s fairly easy to keep watch over a dog, since many people kennel their dogs at night or when they’re out of the house. But this practice isn’t common for cats.

What’s more, cats are nocturnal and therefore, they’re much more active (and mischievous!) at night, when the owner is asleep. Since the owner can’t be on-hand 24/7 to provide negative feedback for each and every “offense,” the alarm is an effective stand-in.

The more consistent you are in terms of training, the faster the pet will learn to perform or avoid a particular behavior or activity.

Cat training alarms can be used in a number of different locations in the home. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Place the alarm in a threshold to prevent your cat from entering certain rooms or areas of your home (just be sure to step over the threshold to avoid activating the alarm!)
  • Put the alarm on your kitchen counters, tables, desk, etc. to keep the pet from jumping up and walking around on these areas.
  • Place a pair of alarms on a table, dresser or desk,  beside a bird cage or small animal cage. The alarm will deter the pet from accessing the cage. And if your cat ignores the alarms (that hunting drive can be extremely intense), they can serve to alert the pet owner who can swing into action before the cat harms your birds or small pets.
  • Put an alarm on plant tables or near potted plants to prevent your pet from chewing on the leaves and foliage. You can also use bitter apple spray as a secondary deterrent.

It’s important to check your alarm periodically to ensure that the batteries are still working.

In addition, the training alarm can be placed in areas where the cat is clawing and scratching furniture, woodwork and so forth.  See our related article for an array of tips for felines who are engaging in inappropriate and destructive clawing.

Owners of small animals may also be interested in learning how to keep pocket pets safe in a household with cats and dogs.

Photo Source:  Leroy Skalstad on

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Mia Carter is a professional journalist and animal lover. Her furry family members include 6 dogs and 12 cats. She is also a feral cat colony caretaker. Carter specializes in pet training and special needs pet care. All of her animals have special needs such as paralysis, blindness, deafness and FIV, just to name a few. She also serves as a pet foster parent and she actively rehabilitates and rescues local strays and feral kittens.

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