The Most Overweight Pets of 2012

Obesity is an epidemic but not strictly a human one. Over half the dogs and cats owned as pets are considered overweight or obese. That equates to over eighty-eight million fat house pets! Unfortunately, this crisis is man-made. The blame for these portly pets lies squarely at the feet of the owners.

Treats are used as a reward to encourage good behavior in pets or as a comforting habit for both the owner and the pet. However, snacking through-out the day and eating unhealthy foods is as bad for Fido as it is for Fido’s human. Junk food in whatever form is still junk food.

In some cases, the pounds packed on by the chubby pets may go unnoticed by the owners until the situation has become extreme and life-threatening. The general goal weight for a cat is ten pounds but, as seen below, there are instances when their ideal weight is far surpassed and the cat must begin a program to lose weight in order to survive.

People make the decision to obtain a pet for companionship and to add a new family member to the fold. A pet needs love and affection but must also receive proper nutrition, exercise, and health care. All of which can benefit the humans in the animal’s life as well. With proper care and consideration, both family members can benefit from a healthier lifestyle and enjoy one another’s company for years to come.

(Click image to enlarge)Most Overweight Pets[ SOURCE: Carrington’s Veterinary Assisting Program

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Sandra Mills is a health care, education, and technology freelance writer.
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