Natural Arthritis Care for Your Dog

Natural Arthritis Care for Your Dog

By Brigitte Smith

Rimadyl was hailed as a wonder arthritis treatment for pets when it came on the market in 1997. Over the next 3 years, due largely to an aggressive marketing campaign by the manufacturer, Pfizer, Rimadyl was prescribed for 5 million dogs.

But it hadn’t been thoroughly tested. According to statistics compiled by the FDA (Food And Drug Administration), in 1997 alone, Rimadyl was implicated in 30 per cent of all veterinary adverse drug reaction reports received! Side effects included gastrointestinal, renal and liver problems, and death. Within those first three years, 10,000 dog owners had reported an adverse reaction to Rimadyl, and there were at least 1,500 deaths or euthanasias attributed to the drug. And it is generally accepted that many adverse reactions are not reported, so the real statistics are likely to be significantly higher.

You may remember the Rimadyl ads depicting older dogs bouncing around like puppies. Those dogs were the lucky ones. And of course, the success stories were many, and they were amazing. But you no longer see those Rimadyl ads, do you?

Is there a realistic alternative to Rimadyl? One that provides such a marked improvement without the possible side effects? Or should you take the risk that your dog won’t develop side effects to Rimadyl?

The good news is that Glucosamine, a natural sugar produced by the body and found in some foods, plays an important role in the production, maintenance and repair of cartilage. Supplementation with Glucosamine can therefore provide not only the pain relieving effects of Rimadyl, but also helps maintain existing healthy joint tissue and aid in rebuilding healthy new cartilage.

Should Rimadyl be removed from the market altogether? No – there are certainly some cases where its use may be warranted – severe cases of arthritis which have been left untreated, or which have not responded to Glucosamine or other treatments. The results can be very worthwhile.

But it should never be given to a dog with pre-existing liver or kidney problems. Your dog should be tested for these conditions before being prescribed Rimadyl. Many vets do not do this unless you ask for it specifically. And many vets do not advise that there is a natural arthritis treatment for dogs available. Not because it’s ineffective, but just because many vets, like doctors, are trained to treat symptoms with drugs. And the drug companies have huge budgets for pushing the benefits of their medications, both for humans and animals. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the drugs are better than the natural alternatives.

So ask for Glucosamine, unless your vet can give you a compelling reason why your dog should use Rimadyl. And you don’t even need a prescription!

For information on the most powerful Glucosamine formula, and why a liquid Glucosamine is by far superior to powder or tablet forms, click here:

(c) 2004, Brigitte Smith, Healthy Happy Dogs

Brigitte Smith is a dog lover with a special interest in natural health for dogs. For your free special report, as well as weekly tips, information, strategies and resources for a healthier happier dog, click here for your dog health report:

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  1. ulisse
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    Attenzione alla Medivet: il suo prodotto artho aid canine, ha procurato la morte del mio cane nel giro di 2 giorni… andava bene fino a quando gli davo condroprottettori e antinfiammatori tipo cosequin o previcox, ma 2 giorni dopo avergli dato l’artho aid…si è paralizzato e si è spento. Quando ho chiesto spiegazioni alla Medivet di Livorno, mi hanno trattato in malo modo, telefonicamente, dicendomi che mi dovevo rivolgere alla casa madre irlandese e che a loro non importava nulla di quello che era successo!!!!Ormai il mio Ulisse non c’è più e forse se altri cani prenderanno l’artho aid della Medivet faranno la stessa triste fine. Spero che questo sia di esempio per altri amanti degli animali come me.

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