How to Teach Your Horse to Free-Jump – Liberty, Free-Longeing at Pony Pros

In this video, the PonyPros tell you how to teach your horse to go over a jump at liberty. This is also called free-jumping or free-longeing. 12-year-old, Ka…

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34 Responses

  1. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @Kiah2211 Yes, just start with low jumps and build up gradually

  2. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @horseluver4899 Good luck!

  3. ILovePrince2
    | Reply

    Hello, I know this has nothing to do with this video (kind of) but could
    you please give me some tips to lung my horse. He is a 13 year old Quarter
    horse. He isn’t afraid of the whip but as soon as I clip the lung rope on
    him, he won’t walk (or anything else) but back up. I have before gotten a
    friend to help me, her stand in the middle with the whip and we would
    slowly get my horse to move but after a few circles he would stop and back
    up once again. If you have any tips, please help 🙂 Thanks

  4. CrystalSparks007
    | Reply

    Thanks for t his vid! I am thinking about trying it with my 6 year old
    pony, but the only problem is, I don’t want to give her food treats, and I
    don’t use a clicker. Can I achieve the same thing without either of those
    if i use vocal commands and another kind of reward?

  5. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    Then, eventually make your rope longer and longer and switch to a longe

  6. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @CrystalSparks007 Yes, watch our Free Jumping Marley video or Free Jumping
    Ivie video.

  7. professionaljumper01
    | Reply

    hey! umm i was wondering you know how you have that voice thing without you
    talking? could you tell me how to do that? the vid is awesome it totally

  8. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @Kaleegrl12 Yeah, you did great!

  9. Theresa Blum
    | Reply

    Hello there 🙂 When I ask my shetland to do a jump, he runs over it like
    crazy. I don’t ask him to! I want him to go over slow and safe, like the
    horse in your video does. But he starts gallopping like crazy :-S What can
    I do?

  10. abirdslife
    | Reply

    nice explaination :o)

  11. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @Ilovershorses Glad you liked our vid! We have a couple other free-jumping
    vids. This one is the most basic and then we have one with horses named
    Shelby, Ivie, and Marley. Most of them are on this account but some are on
    my welcometopemberley account. Have fun!

  12. roundinbarrels
    | Reply

    Can you help me ? I am 13 and recently got my 1st horse, a 14.2 hand QH (
    you can google ‘Dees super scout ‘ to see him;) and he is a bit of a
    nervous horse because he has been moved around, I want to teach him to jump
    while on the lunge line and use a clicker , any suggestions? And how can I
    calm him down some?

  13. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @Rakhsh55 The voice over explains how got Apache to come. She is a 15h, 14
    y.o. rescue Paint.

  14. Jamie Willson
    | Reply

    great video 🙂 so i hav a 12 year pinto quarter horse lesson horse. he is
    good over poles and i trot and canter him oer them. but i rlly want him to
    jump. im gonna try this on saturday. wish me luck 🙂

  15. professionaljumper01
    | Reply

    i love the video ! how did you do that voice thing it like completely clear

  16. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @ThePigeon08 The voice over explains everything. You can also watch our
    other vids for more info – Free Jumping Marley, Free Jumping Ivie, and
    Round Penning Thistle.

  17. leaettam
    | Reply

    thanks for posting this! what a great learning tool!

  18. laurabonjour1
    | Reply

    that was amazing how you explained it all nice and calmly nice that that
    girl and horse have such a great realtionship just wonderful i loved it

  19. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    To teach him to longe, start by walking next to his neck holding a small
    whip like a crop or dressage whip. Tap him on the back while using the
    halter to ask him to walk forward. He will probably try to back up. As soon
    as he walks forward, stop tapping and allow him to walk. If he stops, lift
    the whip and ask him forward on the halter. If he tries to back, begin
    tapping. It helps to do it somewhere where there is something behind him so
    that he can’t back up very far.

  20. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @ThePonyPros After he learns how to target your hand, he will learn what
    the click means. So next, send him over a very small jump on the longe and
    click as he is going over it. He probably won’t catch on as quickly as
    that, so shake your treat bag to get his attention. After he will stop as
    soon as he hears the click, then you can make the jump bigger. For the
    nervousness, try Googling endotapping. Plus do lots of desensitization

  21. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @professionaljumper01 I’m really glad it worked for you! I turned off the
    volume on the vid and then used a mic to voice over. I used a mic from Rock
    Band – it has USB so totally works lol

  22. CaTwInGs
    | Reply

    @roundinbarrels omg me 2

  23. Anahita Hajeb
    | Reply

    Great job! The horse is very beautiful! How do you make him/her to come to
    you like that? Wonderfull job! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 How old is it? How
    tall is it?

  24. ThePigeon08
    | Reply

    awwwwwwww they have a geat bond 😀 how did you get the horse to come to you
    like that?

  25. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @roundinbarrels He’s super cute and looks like he will be a good jumper.
    You can use the same principles found in this vid and in our other vids…
    Just listen to the voice overs… First you need to teach him what a click
    means. Don’t bother with a hand-held clicker, just pop your tongue on the
    roof of your mouth. Hold some grain or a cookie in your hand. Have him
    touch his nose to it. Click when the touches it, then open your hand and
    deliver the treat.

  26. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @PonyPerson62 Yeah, it’s super fun :))

  27. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @MillyEquestrianXx After you lead him, teach him to jump on a longeline.
    Start with just a small pole and raise is slowly after each success. After
    he does a good jump, bring him in and give him a treat. After he can jump
    on the longeline, teach him “join up” or “hook on” in a round pen. Then
    free jump him in a smaller space like a round pen, starting with just a
    small jump and making it bigger after he gets the hang of each size. I have
    other freejumping vids with Ivie, Marley, and Shelby.

  28. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @MissRainRider Try watching my videos, “How to Teach Your Horse to Jump
    Calmly Without Rushing”, “How to Teach Your Horse to Free-Jump”, and
    “Shelby Free Jumping”. If he isn’y good at liberty yet, try watching “Teach
    Your Pony to Follow You At Liberty” first. For riding, watch “Teach Your
    Pony to Trot Slowly Over Jumps” and “Part 2 – Using Snaking/Weaving to Slow
    a Horse Down”.

  29. PonyPerson62
    | Reply

    I love free jumping my horse! 🙂

  30. Kathleen Mitchell
    | Reply

    thanks for working with me and teaching me to do this! i had lots of fun!

  31. Ilovershorses
    | Reply


  32. Ilovershorses
    | Reply

    I worked on this with my horse, today she did awesome, thanks for posting

  33. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @professionaljumper01 I just plug a mic into my computer 🙂

  34. ThePonyPros
    | Reply

    @MillyEquestrianXx If you are longeing right it should never be dangerous.
    Start at a walk and teach the horse to move away from you on a regular lead
    rope. Search for the CIES video “how to longe a horse to prepare for
    riding”. Gradually move up to a trot on a longer rope.

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