Give Your Pets a Happy Holiday

By Marte Cliff

The holiday season is hard on dogs and cats. Their schedule is disrupted, strangers fill their homes, some of those strangers have strange dogs and cats with them. It’s all very stressful.

Well mannered pets faced with the stress of the holidays can suddenly bite or scratch or forget their house manners.

Help your pet (and you) enjoy the holidays by following these simple tips:

* Never allow strangers to grab for him

* Never allow children to maul her

* Never offer his bed to strange dog or cat

* Do give her a safe place to go hide

* Do schedule time to offer individual attention and reassurance

* Do watch the doors… he could bolt in the confusion and become lost.

* Do be sure she’s wearing an ID tag – just in case.

* Do feed him away from the crowd… and NEVER allow strangers to approach him while he’s eating ¦ especially children.

And on the subject of eating: all those rich goodies are not good for your pet. Buttery, sugary, spicy, or greasy foods can cause intestinal distress. Chocolate can even be fatal, as can raisins and grapes. So, as much as you and your guests might enjoy slipping a few treats to Rover or Fluffy, resist the temptation and make sure your guests do likewise. You really don’t want a trip to the vet in the middle of your holiday celebration.

*A note of caution: Be sure the leftovers are safely put away before you retire for the night. You know where the cat can go. Dogs can get there too if the smell is enticing!

P.S. Several of my cat and dog friends have asked me to include one more don’t: Please don’t make them dress up like Santa or a reindeer (or anyone else.) They really hate it!

Marte Cliff is a Freelance Copywriter with a passion for pet welfare. Fund raising letters for animal rescue are one of her specialties. Visit her at and sign up for a free monthly advertising ezine. Marte also offers a no-obligation critique of your present advertising.

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  1. Gazard
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    Good points! Nice article!

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