Flying With Your Dog

Flying With Your Dog

by Eric Shannon

A pet owner must research the many requirements before taking a dog on an airplane. Different airlines have slightly different regulations, but most airlines follow the same basic set of rules in regards to flying with a dog.

One universal rule is that dogs cannot fly on a plane without the owner on board. Each airline that was contacted for this article has a rule that outlaws flying unaccompanied dogs from one point to another. Realize that the airline considers dogs to be cargo. Just as you are not allowed to send your luggage across the country without also being present, same thing goes when it comes to your dog. The intent of each rule is slightly different (it’s unlikely that a bomb would be inside of a dog), but the bottom line is that the airlines to not want to be responsible for your dog. However, if you absolutely must transport your dog without being present, you can contact a licensed and approved pet transportation company to get the job done for you.

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