Diarrhea In The Dog and Cat and Its Causes


by T. J. Dunn, Jr. DVM
Director, ThePetCenter.com

(Read this article …)

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5 Responses

  1. T.Burke
    | Reply

    A very good overview, but a pity there was no coverage of treatment.

  2. HART (1-800-HART)
    | Reply

    T.Burke … There is a lot of information over at ThePetCenter.com .. For instance.. over here:

    Your judgment regarding the health status of a pet with diarrhea is critical. Bloody diarrhea with severe straining may require an emergency trip to the veterinarian; diarrhea along with vomiting can be a sign of serious intestinal obstruction that may even need surgery. A pet with diarrhea and also weakness, pain, vomiting, or agitation may be in real trouble; whereas a pet with diarrhea but few other signs of distress may sometimes be treated at home.Always inform your veterinarian about the situation and have a fecal sample checked just in case worms or other parasites such as Giardia are a factor. Withhold food only for 12-24 hours to give the intestines a rest. Water should still be given frequently but in small amounts. Call your veterinarian for advice on dosages on KaoPectate or Imodium if necessary. You may be required to bring your animal in for medical attention if it persists for more than 24-48 hours. Chronic or frequent episodes of loose stool may be a sign of Inflammatory Bowel Disease which often requires veterinary attention.

    I think keywords being “bloody” and “frequent episodes” and “more than 24-48 hours” .. where you would want to get your Vet involved for treatment. (i.m.o.)

  3. Tiffany
    | Reply

    AS an aside there is a pethealth wiki that talks about this subject in great deal, I have contributed. If you find any errors or want to update some of the content, it’s open so feel free.


  4. PetWellbeing
    | Reply

    As an aside there is a pet health wiki that discusses many of the issues above, it’s open to everybody to contribute, so if your looking for something specific, check it out

  5. VitaHound Staff
    | Reply

    Recognizing signs of dog who is unhealthy, will contain a lot of unique traits depending on the dog and owner, but there are common signs. Diarrhea is a symptom indicating a dog’s digestive system is under stress. Dog health is heavily influenced by the vitality of their GI function, it is important to understand how to make your dogs digestive system healthy.

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