Comfort and care for the aging cat

Periodic Newsletter from The IAMS Company:
From: “Eukanuba Cat”
To: hart (at)
Subject: Comfort and care for the aging cat.

MAIN – Giving Your Senior Cat All The Comforts Of Home

Because of the advancements made in diet and veterinary care, many cats are now living to a ripe old age. Today many cats live into their 20s. Still, as her metabolism changes, there are some lifestyle changes you might want to consider making so your senior cat will be more comfortable.

* Reexamine your cat’s diet. With age comes physical and metabolic changes, which may signal the need for a senior formula cat food such as Eukanuba® Mature Cat Formula.

* Assist with grooming. Aging cats can develop arthritis, which makes it more difficult for them to groom themselves. Brushing her coat will keep it shiny and clean while helping to reduce the amount of loose fur she will ingest when grooming herself.

* Pay attention to creature comforts. Senior cats don’t tolerate temperature changes as well as their younger counterparts. Make sure to provide a cool place for your cat to lie during the summer. If climbing stairs has become a challenge, offer her a step stool or ramp, or move her bed down to the floor.

* Playtime. Though your cat may have slowed down some, it’s still important for her to get some exercise. Be sure to set aside some time at least twice a day for some quality playtime.

Follow these steps, and you and your senior cat will enjoy many intimate and memorable moments together.

THE DISH – Eukanuba® Mature Care Formula

Developed specifically with your mature cat’s health, nutritional and digestive system needs in mind, Eukanuba® Mature Care Formula contains our exclusive formulation of fiber (beet pulp and fructooligosaccharides) to nutritionally stabilize her digestive system and support a healthy intestinal environment. Eukanuba® Mature Care Formula contains ImmunoHealth™, with appropriate levels of antioxidants such as vitamin E to nutritionally boost the immune system in mature cats to healthy adult levels. It’s just one of the many nutritional components of the Eukanuba® Vital Health System™ included in this age-essential formula your mature cat will love.

HEALTH WATCH – How to make hairballs less hairy

Trichobezoars, which are more commonly referred to as hairballs, are balls of hair that end up in a cat’s stomach, usually as a result of her regular grooming routine. The constant licking of the fur, combined with her tongue’s rough texture causes the hair to accumulate. Many cats have no problem with hairballs whatsoever. Sometimes though, especially in longhaired cats, hairballs can cause her to engage in a gagging or retching routine, which is an attempt to vomit up the hairball. Occasional hairball episodes (one to four times a month) are normal for most cats, but there are some things you can do this summer to help prevent them.

* Prevention. The best treatment for hairballs in cats is to prevent the hair buildup in the first place. You can easily accomplish this by brushing your cat daily. Brushing removes loose fur and dander, therefore less fur for your cat to ingest. Make brushing part of a daily routine. Cats absolutely love to be brushed and it provides an excellent bonding opportunity for the two of you.

* Control. In addition to daily brushings, you might want to consider feeding her a cat food with a hairball control component such as Eukanuba® Adult Hairball Relief Formula. Try these two methods and you can expect a reduction in hairball episodes around your house. Of course, if your cat continues to vomit, it could be a sign of something more serious and it’s very important to get her to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

FACTS FOR FELINES – What makes a cat purr?

Your cat springs up into your lap, nestles her head on top of you and begins to purr. These are the moments that cat lovers live for. It’s a sign that she is content and that all is well in her world (as well as yours). It is believed that purring, which begins shortly after birth, is a means for kittens to communicate with their mothers that all is well. Mom often purrs back to offer reassurance. As cats mature, purrs, as well as their meanings, may change.

Some cats purr to indicate contentment or pleasure, but badly frightened cats and cats that are ill or near death also purr. Additionally, females purr while they are delivering kittens. Animal behaviorists believe that when cats purr under stressful conditions it may be how they try to reassure or comfort themselves. Not unlike how humans might sing or whistle to themselves when nervous or frightened. A frightened cat may be purring to communicate submissiveness or nonaggressive intentions. Senior cats probably purr when they play or approach other cats, signaling that they are friendly and want to come closer.

Whatever the reason for your cat’s purring, it is one of their most endearing qualities and, more times than not, indicates that they are content.

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